O.P. Jindal Global University Is Ranked No. 1 In World TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION Online Learning Rankings 2024

India’s O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) is ranked No.1 in the world and awarded “Gold” in the inaugural Times Higher Education (THE) Online Learning Rankings 2024, scoring highest overall among all universities in the world in the four key areas considered for the rankings -- resources, engagement, outcomes and environment. The rankings reflect the teaching excellence of JGU’s online programmes and JGU’s efforts to deliver world-class higher education.
THE Online Learning Rankings, which is the first attempt to measure online learning on a global basis, relies on four key pillars – resources, engagement, outcomes and environment. Unlike other THE rankings that use rank position and scores, the THE Online Learning Rankings (OLR) group institutions into three categories: Gold, Silver and Bronze.
The key metrics considered for measuring the level of resources devoted to online learning include finance per student, faculty per student and development hours per staff. To measure the level of student engagement in online learning, THE considers interaction with staff, collaboration with other students, convenience, ease of use, accessibility for disabled and number of available programmes. The outcomes for students participating in online learning is measured through student progression rate and student recommendation. Inclusion of students with disability, age diversity, staff gender diversity, support staff per student, connectivity support and other offline resources are the metrics used for assessing the optimal environment for online learnings.